根据Brady Campaign的调查结果:美国平均每天有315人的死伤与枪支有关: (more…)
新闻报道上海嘉定马陆葡萄园在园内散养土鸡,以鸡粪替代化肥收到良效。可是鸡不答应,不愿无偿奉献,果农也颇人道或者说“鸡道”,任鸡啄食散落地上的葡萄,既喂饱土鸡又省却清洁工人,人鸡两悦。 (more…)
A good friend told me this anecdote about Prince Philip.
In 1986, Prince Philip led a WWF survey inspection of Yunnan province in China. Instead of sitting with the provincial leaders in the limousine, the Prince got on the large coach with the other surveyors as he wanted to observe the trees and animals more freely. (more…)
Today we are experiencing heavy snow due to the ice storm in France and Germany. Looking at the beautiful snowflakes swirling down I am thinking the snow lantern mum taught me to do when she and Dad were staying with us in Switzerland. After that I would make snow lanterns for my child whenever there is heavy snow, even now. During this holiday season, I made several snow lanterns for him though he is a handsome young man, much taller than his mom.
I pressed the snow into hemispheres in big bowls, then used two hemispheres to make a snow ball and placed small candles in the middle of the ball. I made several this time. We lit the candles and watched the snow melting away bit by bit, finally the snow balls became splendid transparent snow lanterns. I noticed my son’s face brightened up with sweet smile. I wondered what he was thinking. Beautiful memory of his childhood?
(I copied it from Google pictures as my camera is not good enough)